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Corner statistics

Corners statistics

Corner statistics for each team can be quite useful in preparing a prediction for Over/Under number of corners in a match. Such types of bets became rather popular these days and the need of corner statistics arose. offers you information about the corners of the teams of the English leagues - Premier League, Championship, League 1 and League 2.

Extensive information on corners of both teams can be found in the last section at the bottom of the prediction page.
The corner statistics for the teams includes:

  • Total average corners for the team.
  • Total average corners against the team
  • Total average corners per match
  • Average corners as host/guest
  • Average corners against the team as host/guest
  • Total average corners per match as host/guest

If until now you have prepared predictions for Over/Under number of corners relying heavily on luck, now you have a useful tool that helps you to make more meaningful and mathematically substantiated bets on Over/Under number of corners. Bet wisely and just for fun!

Example: Corners example stats

Premier League

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